Building faithfulness to true Confessional Lutheranism and a clear voice of Christian concerns against actions and causes which mitigate against faithfulness to the One True Faith.
TheLutheran Clarion is in its 15th year! We have NO paid staff or writers. We unabashedly strive to present and uphold God's inerrant word. We want our readers to be informed about issues that will face the 2023 Synod!
Your continued and enhanced help is needed. We urge you to help with the costs of preserving Confessional Lutheranism. We need your continued help so that a truly Lutheran church body will be there for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In some small way we at the LCA desire to be helpful in preserving our faith, under the Lord’s blessing, so that the treasure of pure doctrine and right practice will be known for generations to come. Would you prayerfully consider assisting us in this on-going effort with your tax deductible donations?
Please send your tax-deductible gift to: Lutheran Concerns Association 149 Glenview Drive New Kensington, PA 15068-4921
We of the LCA appeal to our readers to assist us in our ongoing efforts to retain the Lutheran theology, practice, character, and the distinctiveness of Evangelical Lutheranism within the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. This is not an inexpensive effort and we urge you to contribute to the LCA in support of The Lutheran Clarion.
Please send your tax deductible donations to:
Lutheran Concerns Association
149 Glenview Drive
New Kensington, PA 15068-4921
We, of The Lutheran Concerns Association, wish to express our sincere gratitude for the continued support of Balance-Concord, Incorporated, in the publication of The Lutheran Clarion. We encourage other Confessional groups within the LCMS to consider financially supporting this effort. These contributions make it possible to bring you substantive articles by respected and qualified authors on issues affecting YOUR Synod. Your support is both appreciated and needed.